Man receives injectable filler from professional cosmetic physician.

Plasma Gel Filler

About Plasma Gel Filler

Plasma Gel is a 100% natural injectable gel created to isolate beneficial cells from your blood that can rejuvenate the skin and restore lost volume. There are no additives or chemicals in this product. Dr Fisher uses the ezGEL®system which produces a regenerative gel rich in growth factors by using the body’s own powerful proteins. These growth factors stimulate the production of hyaluronic acid, collagen and new blood vessel growth which ultimately leads to skin thickening and improved tightness.

How do you make Plasma Gel (ezGEL®) filler?

Plasma Gel is made by first drawing your blood into 2 tubes. One tube is spun in a centrifuge to separate the plasma from the red blood cells. The plasma is removed and is put in a special heating chamber which causes proteins in the plasma to change from liquid to solid. The second tube is spun to separate Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) from red blood cells. Once the plasma has finished heating the two products are mixed to form a powerful gel for skin rejuvenation.

Who can benefit from Plasma Gel (ezGEL®) filler?

Plasma gel is a great option for those patients looking for an all-natural way to restore age related changes such as fine lines, volume loss and sagging skin.

Who should not get Plasma Gel (ezGEL®) filler?

Certain medication and health conditions may alter the health of platelets which are the source of growth factors. A consultation is required to ensure that this treatment will be beneficial for you. Patients with blood diseases, are immunocompromised, have chronic liver conditions, are pregnant or breastfeeding should not undergo treatments. It is also not recommended if you are undergoing cancer treatments, have uncontrolled diabetes or have an infection of any kind.

What are Plasma Gel fillers used for?

Plasma gel fillers are used for collagen production, skin tightening, improvement in skin quality and radiance, fine lines and wrinkles, and sunken cheekbones. They are also used for subtle volume and contour changes of the face and hands, improving nasolabial folds/laugh lines, under eye hollows, and lip enhancement.

How long does plasma gel filler last?

Plasma Gel results are immediate but will continue to improve for up to 3 months as bio stimulation causes increased collagen production. Results may last up to 1 year with maintenance treatments as needed.

Are Plasma Gel fillers safe?

Plasma Gel fillers are an extremely safe non-surgical procedure because they are 100% made from your own body’s components. There is no risk of allergy or reaction to any part of the gel.

What are the side effects of Plasma Gel?

There is minimal downtime after the procedure. There will be minimal pain during the blood draw and injection of the Plasma Gel. You may experience mild swelling, bruising or redness in the treated areas that will resolve in 3-4 days.
There is always a rare chance of developing an infection or scarring in the treatment area which can be minimized by following all post care instructions. If Plasma Gel is inadvertently injected into a blood vessel tissue necrosis may occur.

How do I prepare for Plasma Gel treatment?

It is important that you come to the appointment well hydrated to ensure an easy blood draw. You should not take any ASA, aspirin, anti-inflammatory medication (ibuprofen, Advil, Aleve, Motrin) unless medically necessary for 1 week before your treatment. Avoid any herbal supplements or Vitamins such as Vitamin E, fish oil, garlic, gingko, turmeric, ginger, ginseng, or St. John’s wort as they may affect platelet function.

What should I do after undergoing Plasma Gel treatment?

Avoid high impact exercise and excessive heat (hot tubs, saunas) for 48 hours to minimize swelling and bruising. You may use cold compresses if you experience swelling and bruising. Avoid massaging or rubbing the area or sleeping face down for 1 week. Makeup may be used on the area after 24 hours.

You should avoid facials or facial massages for 3-4 weeks. Some rare complications such as tissue necrosis may not present for up to 3 days afterwards so travel should be avoided during this time to ensure access to proper treatment. Alcohol may affect healing and exacerbate swelling and bruising so should be avoided for 48 hours after treatment.

What is the difference between Plasma Gel filler and Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)?

PRP is a liquid where Plasma Gel is a semi solid gel. Plasma Gel provides a direct volume effect in the tissues that PRP cannot. Due to its gel-like properties, Plasma Gel forms an environment to trap platelets where they produce a prolonged source of growth factors in the area. Plasma Gel also helps to localize the growth factors and increase their concentration at a desired location where PRP tends to spread out into the tissues due to its liquid form.